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Czech Republic Javorovy Vrch ski slopes near the town of Třinec

Тржинец - город в Чехии, в Моравскосилезском крае. Расположен на реке Олше, на востоке страны, близ границы с Польшей. Деревня Тржинец появилась в XIV веке. Впервые упомянута в документе 1444 года. Большинство населения в то время занималось сельским хозяйством, хотя район был богат залежами известняка, железной руды и глины. В 1836 году началось строительство печи для обработки металла, в 1839 году начал функционировать первый металлургический завод, ставший крупнейшим в Тешинской области. В 1851 году в Тршинеце по инициативе рабочих открылась первая школа. Строительство железной дороги в 1871 году дало толчок дальнейшему развитию Тршинеца. После раздела Тешинской области в 1920 году вошёл в состав Чехословакии. В 1931 году Тршинец получил статус города. В октябре 1938 года город, вместе с Тешинской областью, был аннексирован Польшей, во время Второй мировой войны принадлежал нацистской Германии. После окончания войны город был возвращён Чехословакии, окружающие его деревни были включены в его состав. Тршинец - важный центр чёрной металлургии. Тршинецкий металлургический завод (чеш. Trinecke zelezarny) является одним из крупнейших в Чехии. Транспортный узел.


Trinec is a town in Frydek-Mistek District, Moravian-Silesian Region of the Czech Republic. It lies on the Olza River, in the historical region of Cieszyn Silesia. The town has 37,405 inhabitants as of 2009, in 2001 17.7% of the population were Poles. The town is notable for its steel plant, the Trinec Iron and Steel Works, largest one in the Czech Republic, which still has a major impact on the town, on its character, demographics and air pollution. Trinec is also an important cultural center of the Polish minority in Zaolzie. The village of Trinec was founded in the 14th century. Trinec is first mentioned in a written document in 1444. The majority of the population worked in agriculture. The area was, however, rich in limestone, iron ore and clay. The area also offered a large enough work force, so it was decided to build an iron works. In 1836 the construction of the first metallurgical furnace had begun. The iron mill began operation in 1839, becoming the largest one in the entire Cieszyn Silesia. First schools (Polish-German) in Trinec were created by the initiative of the iron works in 1851. After the construction of Kosice-Bohumin Railway line in 1871, the rapid development of the town occurred. After the division of Cieszyn Silesia in 1920 it became a part of Czechoslovakia. Trinec gained town rights in 1931. In October 1938, together with the whole region known as Zaolzie, it was annexed by Poland, and during World War II was a part of Nazi Germany. After the war it again became part of Czechoslovakia and eventually surrounding villages were incorporated into Trinec. The town of Trinec is located in the Moravian-Silesian Region in the north-east of the Czech Republic, very close to the Polish border and also near the Slovak border with an elevation of approximately 300 m (984.25 ft) above sea level. It's situated approximately 45 km away from the city of Ostrava and about 400 km from the country's capital, Prague. The town is surrounded by the picturesque Beskydy mountain range, a popular place for cycling, skiing, cross-country skiing, hiking and paragliding. The town itself comprises the main town built around the steel works but also incorporates a number of surrounding villages.